If you mention Tongkat Ali in Malaysia, you will probably be seeing many grinning faces. Literal translation of Tongkat Ali to English is"Ali's Staff". Ali is a rather common first name for Malay Malaysians here, perhaps just as common as Smith to White Americans.
Let's see what does Wikipedia say about Tongkat Ali.. "
Eurycoma longifolia Jack (aka,
longjack or
Tongkat Ali or
Pasak Bumi) is a
flowering plant in the family
Simaroubaceae, native to
Indonesia and
Malaysia...Eurycoma longifolia has become popular for its alleged
testosterone-enhancing properties.." Heheh, pretty interesting huh. Tell me how effective it is if you have tried it before :D
Words borrowed from Dr. Alexander Elder:
Trading is so exciting that it often makes amateurs feel high ...Nobody can get high and make money at the same time.
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